When you walk into a Hobby Lobby store, you’ll find everything from craft supplies to home décor, but the story…
Chick-Fil-A & Hobby Lobby Since I am going into business after college, I always thought it was interesting to hear…
Sometimes as Christians we can fail to see the world of business as having any connection or relevance to Christianity…
James Cash Penney was born in 1875 to an impoverished family who lived on a farm in Missouri. To teach…
Simon Lee had been working for his father’s business for 7 years, and he and his family planned for him…
Praxis describes themselves as a “creative engine for redemptive entrepreneurship, supporting founders, funders, and innovators motivated by their faith to…
What if there was a company that was set up to help redemptive minded companies get themselves off the ground…
The divide between church and business is usually very obvious. Customers have been quick to express their discontentment with businesses…
Hobby Lobby is one company that has a kingdom impact. On the hobby lobby website, one of their mission statements…
Not only is stress very common in the professional world, but stress is also one of the fastest rising epidemics…