Image source: Evolve Digitas

Redemptive Entrepreneurship often comes in a variety of forms. In class we have discussed toy manufacturing companies, food industries, and a variety of humanitarian efforts that aim to help people’s physical and spiritual needs. I would like to turn your attention to the overwhelming need that exists in the educational sector. Having gone to public school, cyber school, and a private school I have noticed that there is still lots of work to be done in the realm of K-12 education.

The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Given the level of importance that is placed on training in the Bible, we should also consider how young people are being trained with great importance. Schools are trying the best they can to educate the next generation. Unfortunately, many of these institutions lack funding or are plagued with what I consider to be a worse fate, a poor curriculum. I have heard many high school graduates say that they have not been properly prepared for the job market. In addition, the environment that K-12 schools foster is often toxic, a byproduct of broken families and adolescent struggles.

Redemptive entrepreneurship in the school setting would address the reality of the job market and the struggles of figuring out who they are meant to be. Public schools would need to address these issues within their curriculum or provide an after school program in order to acquire a redemptive edge. Private schools generally have more liberty in bring these issues to the forefront, especially concerning the cure for the soul (i.e. Jesus). There is just so much more to be said about redemptive entrepreneurship in schools that this blog post hardly scratches the surface. I would be interested to know in what ways others might see the issues in the current school system getting resolved. Let me know what you think!

Bobby Keicher

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  • This is awesome, Bobby! I was homeschooled all the way through my school years so this is a topic that is somewhat near and dear to my heart. There is so much brokenness in education today and it feels like there is a general lack of civility and open mindedness when it comes to different types of education. Like you said above, it's a tough topic and one that requires a lot of study. Thanks for thinking about tough topic and reminding us of its importance.

  • I definitely agree with you that the Education system is a huge place that could be influenced by entrepreneurs and redemptive ways of thinking. There is such a great need for quality mentors and guides for the students to look up to and learn from. Thanks for sharing!

  • I agree that redemptive entrepreneurship should be implemented in the schools. Not a lot of companies do a lot to be redemptive and even less are Christian based. Thanks for the opinion I agree with everything you said.

  • I think overall education systems are lacking in basically all areas. First it was taking prayer out, no more pledge of allegiance, then it was regulating speech and common core where teachers has no say in what to teach. Public schools are more focused on politics and sexuality. Just the other day I was reading an article on a High school that is teaching pedophilia as a sexual orientation....not teaching good moral skills but normalizing pedophilia. Schools have drifted away from teaching kids to be leaders of the future but instead is focus on brainwashing for a secular politics. I think common core should be banned and schools should bring prayer back, i think it would help more than people would think.

Published by
Bobby Keicher

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