Youth Ministry

Wear’s Valley Ranch

Wear’s Valley Ranch, located in the mountains outside Pigeon Forge in Eastern Tennessee, is a home for children that cares…

5 years ago

How New Research on Buying Habits Could Help the Church Reach Gen-Z

I was researching Gen-Z buying habits recently, and it occurred to me that the way Gen-Z is sold on products…

5 years ago

An Interview with Gen-Z Friends: Thoughts on the Church

This week, I interviewed a few Gen-Z friends about some of the things they love about church, some of the…

5 years ago

Reaching the “Churchless”

Examining the daily news cycle, it's not hard to recognize that there has been an undeniable cultural shift in the…

5 years ago

Why so many leaving?

At the beginning of the semester, we discussed several reasons as to why people may drop out of attending church.…

5 years ago

Genuineness is the Way to Reach the Next Generation

In class, we talked about how the media views modern Christians. We are seen as radical, hateful, irrelevant, anti-women, closed-minded,…

5 years ago

Redemptive Entrepreneurship | Every Tongue, Tribe, and Nation

As I contemplated what the words Church and Entrepreneurship meant, and how they related to each other, I struggled to…

5 years ago