
3D Built Homes for the Kingdom

Many of us have heard about incredible 3D built homes for families who make less than two-hundred dollars a month.…

5 years ago

Evangel Ministries

One of the big questions surrounding a church is how that church is going to have a positive on that…

5 years ago

Christian Chicken?

It's more than likely that when reading the title of this blog post you thought of Chick Filae, a Christian…

5 years ago

VOMO (Volunteer Mobilization)

VOMO (Volunteer Mobilization) is an engagement platform for organizations to recruit and manage volunteers for various projects that they have.…

5 years ago

High Schoolers Around the Globe

You were made for this. Well, at least you were made for a relationship with Jesus. That is what Young…

5 years ago

410 Bridge

The 410 Bridge is excited to partner with the business community as they serve their communities. The 410 Bridge model of community-initiated…

5 years ago


In many of today’s churches there is a lack of want or willingness to change. People often become stuck in…

5 years ago

Would You Hire an Ex-Felon?

In the article, "Ex-Felon, Redemptive Entrepreneur," Jay Hein brings to life the reality ex-felons face post-prison. These people have to…

5 years ago

The “Ortho” Spectrum, Part II

Finding a balance between Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy isn't limited to the church. When I took Lean Launchpad with Professor English,…

5 years ago