
New Founding and Align: Restoring what is Lost

About three years ago, I met a man named Nate Fisher. During coffee with Nate, I found out that one…

3 years ago

Redeeming Art for God’s Kingdom

Ahni Art is a small art business that has grown through Instagram and Etsy, and the art is sold on…

3 years ago


On Monday, we had Chadwyck Cobb come and speak to the class over Zoom, talking about his life and work…

3 years ago

Hobby Lobby-Christian Mission

There are numerous companies out there that demonstrate redemptive entrepreneurship and there are many food chains and well-known stores that…

3 years ago

Christian Fashion: Fabrics of Faith

Fashion and Culture Fashion is a way people express their personality and passions. Yet, Christians are notorious for having either…

3 years ago

Embodying the Gospel.

There are four mindsets that we ought to have when are trying to spread the gospel to those around us.…

4 years ago

A year into the Digital Age of Ministry

It has been a year since the world was thrown into the age of media as our main source of…

4 years ago


"Praxis is a creative engine for redemptive entrepreneurship, supporting founders, funders, and innovators motivated by their faith to love their…

4 years ago

Seat King – A Redemptive Opportunity

What defines a "redemptive business?" For starters, we can think of this concept of a "redemptive entrepreneur" as someone who…

4 years ago

Every Shelter – Scott Key

While a college student at Rice University Scott Key, along with the help of another student founded Every Shelter. The…

4 years ago