Creativity and Worship

Doing Online-Church, Without Loosing Community

When Covid-19 first struck everyone, many people were nervous that Churches would lose their meaning and not be able to…

4 years ago

Leaving the 99

The saying "if something isn't broken, don't fix it" conflicts with the biblical pattern of God being one who is…

4 years ago

Covid-19 and Its Effect On the State of Church Worship

It is safe to say at this point that Covid-19 has created many difficulties across the world regarding all gatherings…

4 years ago

Modern Churches Adapting to Change

Amid a sweeping pandemic this past year, one of the most affected groups have been churches and their ministries. During…

4 years ago

The Church and Coronavirus

Although the current Covid-19 pandemic has caused most Churches across the country to shut down, this is also an opportunity…

5 years ago

Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family is another incredible organization that is committed to spreading the Gospel to families that need it…

5 years ago

Life at a ‘Facebook live’ church

  In recent times, many churches have switched to 'online mode' but what does that look like from an insider's…

5 years ago

Insta Church

"Quarantine has made church outreach much harder." Really? This is probably the greatest opportunity for the spread of Christianity in…

5 years ago


I bet all of you have seen the H.W.L.F. bracelets that people wear.  You also probably know that it stands…

5 years ago

The Warren Family Mission

In Warren, Ohio there is a great need for food and shelter and all sorts of rehabilitation. It is my…

5 years ago