
The Purpose Hotel

Jeremy Cowart has stayed in many hotels in his day. At one stay in LA, he read a sign outside…

4 years ago

Eyes of Faith

My family friends Jim and Amy Schneider began an eyewear company in 2008 called Eyes of Faith Optical. Their goal…

4 years ago


In 1951, Bill Bright had this unique call to invest his life in helping reach the entire world for Christ.…

4 years ago


It's amazing to think that it has already been 14 years since the first iPhone came out. The iPhone revolutionized…

4 years ago

Young Life

Young Life is a huge part of my life as I have been involved in it since I was in…

4 years ago

Tim Tebow – Night to Shine

Tim Tebow is much more than an athlete. Though he has been scrutinized for his throwing ability, he knows that…

4 years ago