Bailey Mantzell

Light of Life Rescue Mission

If you've ever volunteered at a homeless shelter, you probably have a solid perspective on what Light of Life Rescue…

5 years ago

Empowering the Church to Serve the Most Vulnerable

World Relief Atlanta, a non-profit organization, is on a mission to empower the local Church to serve the most vulnerable…

5 years ago

What a D.light!

I'm sure as you sit here reading this on either your cell-phone or your computer, the thought of not having…

5 years ago

Would You Hire an Ex-Felon?

In the article, "Ex-Felon, Redemptive Entrepreneur," Jay Hein brings to life the reality ex-felons face post-prison. These people have to…

5 years ago

“Beginner’s Pluck” – It’s Worth the Read

I embarrassingly admit that I read maybe four or five books each year (aside from for school), but "Beginner's Pluck"…

5 years ago