
Dare to Defy

Dare to Defy is an organization that seeks to help former convicts. While touring a prison, Catherine Hoke, who worked…

6 years ago

The Power of a Good Story

When Jesus came down to earth and started his ministry among the people of Israel, he communicated in stories. Jesus…

6 years ago

Lean Times

This class discusses the intersection of sound business principles and strong personal faith. Our class and this department constantly interact…

6 years ago

Wear’s Valley Ranch

Wear’s Valley Ranch, located in the mountains outside Pigeon Forge in Eastern Tennessee, is a home for children that cares…

6 years ago

Practical Impact and Compassion?

The Southside Church of the Nazarene is on a mission. They believe their church should be defined by how they…

6 years ago

Digital Discipleship

With the rise of social media and the increasing problem of uncivilized public discourse surrounding the topic of religion, it…

6 years ago