Divine Innovation (or is it Intervention?)

5 years ago

"The Columbus Dream Center is a volunteer-driven organization dedicated to providing hope to low-income, homeless and under-served individuals and families…


5 years ago

In many of today’s churches there is a lack of want or willingness to change. People often become stuck in…

Chick-fil-A’s choices

5 years ago

The beloved fast-food restaurant Chick-fil-A has been the topic of controversy and debate due to their biblical stance on marriage,…

Would You Hire an Ex-Felon?

5 years ago

In the article, "Ex-Felon, Redemptive Entrepreneur," Jay Hein brings to life the reality ex-felons face post-prison. These people have to…

Man of God

5 years ago

Demario Davis, a New Orleans Saints linebacker, has used his platform to bring glory to God and help those in…

Business Partnering With Missions

5 years ago

The divide between church and business is usually very obvious. Customers have been quick to express their discontentment with businesses…

World’s Largest Chicken Company

5 years ago

Most people have had a piece of Tyson chicken in their life, or at least heard of the name.  But…

Millennials and Religious Affiliation

5 years ago

In addition to their reputation as industry disruptors, millennials have had quite an impact on religious life in America. 4…

Chick Fil A Foundation

5 years ago

Chick fil a has long been criticized for its contributions to charities and groups that some consider to be “anti-LGBT”.…

The “Ortho” Spectrum, Part II

5 years ago

Finding a balance between Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy isn't limited to the church. When I took Lean Launchpad with Professor English,…