Cher Wang – HTC Phones!

5 years ago

The daughter of Taiwanese business icon Y.C. Wang, Cher Wang is the founder of the HTC Corporation. Wang was born…

Steps to Christian Entrepreneurship

5 years ago

First, we are commanded to “let the peace of God rule in your hearts” — in other words, the peace…

Missional Entreprenuership

5 years ago

In the attached video Shannon Hopkins, from the Church Mission Society in the UK, talks about what it means to…

Life at a ‘Facebook live’ church

5 years ago

  In recent times, many churches have switched to 'online mode' but what does that look like from an insider's…

What is Tegu?

5 years ago

Tegu, when first looked up, is a type of lizard, but the toy company Tegu is what's really making a…

Light of Life Rescue Mission

5 years ago

If you've ever volunteered at a homeless shelter, you probably have a solid perspective on what Light of Life Rescue…

Entreprenuership and the Local Church

5 years ago

In the attached video Chris Horst, the vice president of development at Hope International, talks about what it means to…

Empowering the Church to Serve the Most Vulnerable

5 years ago

World Relief Atlanta, a non-profit organization, is on a mission to empower the local Church to serve the most vulnerable…

Economic Relief, Innovation, and… Churches?

5 years ago

Many of you might be wondering, how do churches relate to the new federal stimulus package? With many small businesses,…

Insta Church

5 years ago

"Quarantine has made church outreach much harder." Really? This is probably the greatest opportunity for the spread of Christianity in…