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What is Tegu?

What is Tegu?

Tegu, when first looked up, is a type of lizard, but the toy company Tegu is what’s really making a difference; they have given the people of Tegucigalpa, Honduras a chance to provide for their family. The product is a high-end type of block with magnets inside that allow for children to build with them. The founders have this to say: “At Tegu, we believe that play, at its best, is free from rules, expectations and scripted narratives. Kids need space to relax, laugh and have fun. To imagine and create new worlds. To discover themselves and the world on their own terms. It’s important to occasionally set aside screens and schedules in favor of exploration, discovery and the joy of the moment”.


  1. Tegu is a really cool and innovative toy company that has done something really interesting and unique with an old classic toy while also helping to give people jobs in a less fortunate part of the world.

  2. I think that Tegu did a really good job of pinpointing a problem in Tegucigalpa and approaching a solution that incorporated the locals of that area, as opposed to being another American company that comes in and invades the culture. Tegu provides jobs for so many people in Tegucigalpa, while also creating a unique, quality product people are excited to buy.

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